Together towards a Palestinian society free from astronomical illiteracy …
With this vision launched the UNESCO Chair for Astronomy and Space Sciences in Palestine to work through its Youth committee represented in tow braches West Bank branch and Gaza Strip branch, and though all the surrounding condition and the lack of resources or even absence of it .
In the West Bank was a great effort and the results were successfully effective, as Engineer: DawoudTarwa coordinator for the work of youth Committee and its activities in the West Bank to prepare youth group of amateur astronomers at the Universities of Al-Najah university and Birzeit university astronomical clubs in those educational edifices in addition to the establishment of large astronomical camps in Tal Al- qamar area in the city of Bethlehem, and these camps will become the perseverance and incessant effort extends to months of coordination and preparation of scientific materials that are addressed in these camps as well as to achieve the main objective of it which both main activities astronomical photography or monitor astronomical phenomena during the past two years, and the most important Those following camps:
1. Hold astronomical camp In Tal Al- qamar area In east Bethlehem on Day 06/11/2015 in it more 200 University students From Different Cities in Palestinian.
2. Produce program TV component OF 30 episodes To define people Basics Astronomy Astronomy science Jointly With (Maan TV Channel) In Period Between 06.17.2015 until 07.16.2015.
3. Hold an astronomical camp In Tal Al- qamar area In east Bethlehem Amateur Photography Astronomers on Day 07/28/2015 in it more 80 Palestinian photographer From all Cities in Palestinian.
4. Hold astronomical camp In Tal Al- qamar area In east Bethlehem To monitor Perseids Meteors showers on 08/13/2015 in it more 70 Palestinian photographers From all Cities in Palestinian.
5. Hold astronomical camp In Tal Al- qamar area In east Bethlehem To monitor the moon eclipse on day 09/27/2015 more 80 amateur astronomers From all Cities in Palestinian.
With this we move on the other side of Palestine, the Gaza Strip have started our activities in the sector through the applying of astronomical outreach programs and astronomical observations at all age groups in our first year starting from
1. French Cultural Center.
2. Incubator UNESCO Chair for the sciences of astronomy and space in the Gaza Strip (Al-Aqsa University and the Islamic University and Al-Azhar University) to accomplish about 10 different astronomical events adults and students and children to class under the supervision of Dr. Suleiman Baraka holder of the UNESCO Chair for Astronomy and Space Sciences,.
In the second year projects expanded in various educational institutions in the sector and astronomy became the focus of activities in the Gaza query many people passionate these events and we set off higher morale because of the ongoing psychological support and encouragement by Dr Sulaiman,
In the third year the relationship between the youth UNESCO West Bank and Gaza became brothers relationship in love with astronomy and share together in the planning of events and help each other in the preparation of scientific materials and carefully selected to the target category and that was the cause of that meet both of Dawoud Tarwa and Wafaa Amr from the West Bank and Moaz Afifi and Marwan Abu Halima and the well-spoken in this report Ibtihal Natour from Gaza to run a page on the social networking Facebook to follow their communicating with a passionate public, and advertising through public events and events held in the targeted institutions as well as the renovation of each Newcomer of discoveries and information in Astronomy and Space Sciences and monitor the different astronomical phenomena.
At present year 2015 activities were more organized and selective so that was held in the West Bank the former camps mentioned either in Gaza, the biggest focus was on the children’s category until the age of 17 years and that the belief in this category on the events of the positive change in the future and their contribution to the dissemination of astronomical awareness among all categories community, where I live in the Gaza Strip more than:
1. 5 astronomical events aimed at the general public of all age groups and discuss a particular topic and then monitor various celestial bodies in the sky like ( Monitoring Venus, Saturn, crescent of Ramadan, full moon of Ramadan, Shawwal full moon, eclipses in September (in single homes) a solar eclipse in March).
2. Also carried out until the day of writing more than 17 in the effectiveness of different educational institutions such as:
• Qattan Centre for the Child.
• Palestinian Red Crescent (male and female students Deaf category),
• Village Orphanage SOS , Summer camps for children in 2015,
• Islamic University ,
• Al-Aqsa University,
3. Also events in 7 Different schools in different age categories (primary school and junior high and high school), and finally our participation we Committee in Gaza youth festival days of Sciences in 2015, which was held in October .
And also our participation (Dawoud Trawa and Ibtihal Natour) via video conference with was held in the State of Algeria, to mark the International Year of Light, also the participation of about 10 amateur astronomer from Palestine in the conference poetic association, but we couldn’t go out for many reasons, as well as the oldest all of Youth Committee in the West Bank and Gaza to prepare several proposals for several projects to attract the necessary financing, but were not successful, for reasons we know and another reasons we don’t know, hoping that there will be larger supporting from institutions of their activities and programs to give more interesting astronomical nucleus in Palestine a good boost forward and elevate it.
But now with the approach of the last of our month in this year we arrange together the following year in 2016 for activities to be at a higher level, efficiency and the achievement of the previous objectives, for example, in Gaza, God willing, there will be three initiatives with integrated content from the scientific discussions and monitoring of various institutions and the production of shows astronomical mini-utilized including the pioneers of these institutions as well as to train the students of these institutions to lead these shows and explain the general astronomical information for visitors from after the end of our mission with them, such as UNRWA in Rafah schools, Science Club at the Islamic University, Al-Qattan Centre for the child, in addition to the establishment of 10 astronomical events for the general public and finally preparing diligently for a grant enables us to set up an astronomical exhibition permanent level of equipment and the astir-observatory, God willing, as for the West Bank, there will be astronomical camps, the number of the largest in terms of the public and in terms of the number of the astro-camps also will expand the scope of work to include new educational institutions, of what the plans for the year 2016 is to establish in the West Bank, five Astronomically Camps Involved The 1000 Palestinian amateurs Begin With the Beginning of Season spring And ends With end Season summer . To train the participants On Basics of Astronomy science And introduce them to the Sky of Palestine And how it can be Monitored, as And we will enter Palestinian Cities some New Astronomical Equipment Like Telescopes And other Night Equipment Amateur Astronomers Needed during Monitoring, and they will be taught On building Powerful Relationships And Common Activities With Associations And Regional Astronomical Clubs And the World From Experiences and Information exchange , in Addition To open New Astronomialy Clubs .
Finally Wafaa Amr member of the Committee of the UNESCO Chair that develops astronomer situation properly allows them to implement activities to the scope wider and higher specialized , But Dawoud Tarawa has expressed his hope that by saying in the past Few Possibilities to come To hold tens of Astronomical Camps And the opening of More Astronomical Clubs In Palestinian Cities And dissemination Astronomical education More Larger between Different Palestinian Community Categories and building Astronomical Observatories And introduction of More From Astronomical Equipment to Constructing Palestinian Astronomical Association which It will include all Amateur Astronomers In Palestine I hope that Palestine will Be From within the Countries List of the Most Active In this science Although as foll From lack Capabilities, But the Decision is Spark which Ignites the Act and therefore To retract About Achieve all Our ambitions Various means Available . But a recent well-spoken in this article Ibtihal Natour saying only that the cause of God makes us realize our vision towards a Palestinian society free from astronomical illiteracy and even participants in specialized scientific renaissance of those sciences that are the most beautiful science and it’s climax.